Friday, November 13, 2020

A Version of Friday Finds

 Or a couple of things that I wanted to share with you.

Here is today's Puttin on the Knits.  I pulled out my Ranunculus to wear today while zooming.  I am totally wearing my knits around the house now.  Because I can and well, why not!  Just because the numbers are climbing, does not mean that I have to sit around in my jammies all day (even though I would love to!). 

The sun is shining, albeit only 41 degrees this afternoon, at this writing, and although, we have not fully kicked up the heat to Winter conditions, its a tad chilly in the house, and if you have a sweater collection, one might as well be warm and cozy.

My Ranunculus has a bit of a history and a problem, but folded up as it is here, you would never know that there is a definite demarkation about 9 inches from the bottom, do to a issue with the dye lots and my lack of wanting or even thinking about alternating skeins when I knit this way last year.

The intention this Summer was to throw it in a dye pot outside and see if I could darken it up a bit and eliminate the change.  But, I didn't get to it, and for now, I am just going to wear it that way.  It serves my purpose for now.

Funny, how there is a theme of color going in this pic too, now isn't there?!  My new tennies sole and shoe laces fit right in with the theme of today.  And this bag!!  My Roomie and guest on podcasts, Debbie made this bag for me for my birthday least week.  Isn't it the coolest?  And if you could see the yarn inside, you see the whole theme.  But, I am going to keep it a secret until next week, when hopefully, I will have a podcast to share with you.

Finally, for this Friday the 13th, is a new book we had Amazon send us.  We have quite a few birds that feed at our feeder in the back yard and after trying to figure out what types they were, apart from the Cardinals, I decided to get us a bird book, so we can stop the guess work.  

We are becoming true retired folks here, but hey, I am okay with that.

Have a great weekend and be safe out there!

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