Friday, June 25, 2010

New and Improved

Finally, after three tries, I have a laptop dentless and working well. Now, when I go to camp in a couple of weeks, I can stay in touch. Maybe, that is not such a good thing?

I was in training in Chicago yesterday so I took today off. I stayed up really late working on a possible Show and Tell for camp and having lots of fun doing it.

Today is all about me. I am gonna sit around and knit some more on it, already have a sweater blocking and if it is not too hot and humid, I might just sit and knit outside for awhile in the sunshine.

But first, I am going to do the first day of the second week of the Couch to 5K program. And before the Tall Guy gets home, I might get a little shopping done! Yes, quite the ambitious day for being off.

I do have a list counting down the days til right before camp with things that I need (read as want) to complete before camp. Earlier this week when I had my review at work with the new boss (it went well), he wants me to do an Action Plan for my job. We discussed how if you have goals and dates of completion, it gives you something to work towards that is tangible. Duh, I've been doing that forever with my knitting and other tasks. Guess it's time to do that at work as well. I may need help with that one.

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