Sunday, June 03, 2018

My Sweater Project - My Answers

What are the styles I turn to? - In my regular wardrobe - t-shirts, throw em on for the weekend or at night, comfy, cozy, loose fitting t-shirts.  For work, simple button cardigans that can go over a tank in the Summer months, turtlenecks in the Winter that can have a shawlette worn over them.

What styles do I look good in?  Well, that is a good question.  Maybe, the real question is what styles do I feel good in?  I think I really need someone else to answer that question for me.

What styles do I KNOW I do not look good in? No drop shoulder.  No sleeveless. No tunic lengths or below the hip styles.  They cover the hips, but I am way too short to pull them off.

 What would I say is my signature style? Blue Jeans and a t-shirt for casual.  For work, simple throw on and go out the door.  Do I wish this was a different answer, yes I do, and would love to change this up a bit in My Sweater Project.

What items in my wardrobe are needed?  I have added this to include, what items in my wardrobe do I want?  Refer to all the answers above and below...I want em all!

Do I need sweaters for work or sweaters for the weekend or both?  Yes!  I want sweaters to work in and I want comfy, go to Saturday knitting sweaters, head out in the Winter Lopi sweaters to double as  a coat.

Do I want classic sweaters? Yes, a couple.

What am I most comfortable in right now?  Sweaters that cover.

What would I love to be able to wear and how can I make it something that I can wear?  Lets take drop shoulders for example.  Years ago, I knit and wore them.  Fast forward many years later and a helpful Judy Chan from the Chicago area, taught me that was not a look I should be knitting or wearing.  She helped me  to take a drop shoulder sweater pattern I love and want to knit,  and make it one without drop shoulders, keeping the body design of a sweater as it should be, but making a sleeve that I can wear.  The best money I ever spent and the best Summer of classes I ever took.  When choosing sweater patterns, I really need to look at the style and if I really love it, but if there is something about it that I should not wear, I need to really look at it and see if it isn't something I change up and still knit.  And if not, don't!

If I knit it, will I wear it?  That is the question that should be asked before ever buying a pattern, yarn or even thinking about knitting a sweater.

Do I love the color I have chosen?  It is no secret I love turquoise.  And I am loving brights these days.  I often think I "need" to change it up a bit on my color pallet of knitting, but lets face it, if you are going to knit it, make it a color you love and look and feel good in.

Am I just wanting to knit it because "everyone" else is? I am so that person.  Just because it looks good on the thin and tall model, doesn't mean it is something I should knit and wear.  I have a book case full of old knitting magazines.  I started pulling and tossing those that are from almost two decades ago.  Before I toss though, I am looking at the ones that I had earmarked for possible knitting.  What was I thinking back then?  They would not have looked good then on me.  I really need to develop a bit of self control on my choices for knitting sweaters and not be led astray.

Wow!  That was a bit of reflection now wasn't it?  What's next?

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