Monday, January 05, 2009

On the 12th Day of Vacation

I prepared myself for a new year of work abd other things. While in the shower, (where I do some of my best thinkin), I made a mental list of things that needed to be tackled at work. I actually am ready to go back to work. Right now, I like my work and 12 days off was good, but it told me that I am not yet ready for retirement. I do like the time off, but old habits creep in if you are not careful.

So, with that said, I started WW journaling. Made a plan to go back and weigh in today and face the music. Planned for getting back to lunchtime walking with a friend (you know to help her out) and healhier eating than in the last 12 days.

I feel good, my list is in hand, lets do it!

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