Sunday, May 17, 2009

It's Been A Rough Weekend

I'll not be bloggin this week, but hope to be back next week after things have calmed down.

Mom passed away this morning. It is best because she would not have wanted to live the way she was. She was trying at times as was I, but she was still my mom. I feel a little as she said I would. Damn she was right again.

My thanks to all of my knitting pals for their kind words, thoughts and prayers.


Nancy said...

Our prayers to you, dear P. Moms do tend to be right unless they are living lives near the end and then they can hardly stand us to be right. It's a difficult tightrope we walk. Deep breaths for you to regain equilibrium, hugs, and we have big shoulders to cry on if you need them.

Sigrun said...

My sincerest condolences.

Linda said...

Oh honey I'm so sorry. I'll be thinking of you and wishing peace for you and your family.

lv2knit said...

I am so, so sorry to hear about your mom. It is always a shock, no matter what the circumstances. I find it hard to believe my mom is gone. When we went through her stuff, I kept thinking, "Mom will know who this is [in a picture]," or "I'll ask mom where she got these earrings." It just doesn't seem real. You are in my thoughts. Take care.