Sunday, April 23, 2017

What I Am Working On This Week

We are in the midst of moving my mother-in-law to a very nice assisted living place here in town this weekend and tomorrow, and I am spending this afternoon, nicely camped out in my chair, watching baseball and deciding what should be my focus for knitting this week.  

It is beautiful outside and after the game is over, I will head out to the front porch and take some simple knitting with me in my Fringe Supply Bag.  This is the sleeve of my Helsinki Sweater by Janine Bajus. There is a lot of stockinette in very small needles on this so it will be perfect for sitting on the porch enjoying the sunshine and silence.

As part of a contest (where you are on a team and knit the most yards since January)for the Zombie Knitpocalypse, I am knitting on the Girl From The Grocery Store Shawl out of Leading Men Fiber Arts yarn.

And last but not least, I finally started the border on my Lerwick Harbour Hap Shawl by Denise Bell from the Ulthima Thule book.  It is a bit of knitting, but getting started was the major battle for this.

Hope you all are having a nice relaxing weekend and have a great week!

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