Sunday, December 19, 2010

Okay, I'm Ready

My tree is up. The presents are wrapped.

Later today, I'll clean the porch up and put my lantern collection out there, to be lit (not candles, but some really cute mini lights that are battery operated) on Christmas Eve. On Monday, I'll take the kids in Memphis presents to work for shipping out. Serious cleaning will be done by Tuesday night, cause Wednesday is nail day. Wednesday night, the Tall Guy and I will go out and do our grocery shopping for the weekend. Thursday after work (I'm planning on cutting out early), I'll pick up these really good dinner rolls in the shape of a Christmas tree and one last little something for the Tall Guy. Then, I'll come home make some chocolate chip cookies and oatmeal raisin cookies and scrub the kitchen. Friday after showers, I'll clean the bathroom and sit back and wait for company.

Christmas Day, it will just be the three of us and we'll just cool our heels and enjoy the day. Last year, the Tall Guy made homemade pizzas and we had beer and pizza. This year, who knows, but it looks like, maybe that will be the way of our Christmases for the next few years til there are some grandchildren.

Yep, I'm ready...I think.

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