Sunday, August 16, 2020

Scrappy Sunday

 So far I am at least doing one square each Sunday on my mitered square blanket.  First up, each of my leftover yarns go into the mitered square blanket.

Then it goes into a bin for my crochet blanket that sits down by the washing machine, and gets just a few stitches in it as I wait for the washer to fill or finish up.  There are a lot of stitches in this one, so it takes a bit to get across each row.

Then, if it is in the Caribbean Blue family of yarns, it goes into my bag that at a future cast on will be another blanket just for me.  The pattern is yet to be decided.

If it doesn't fall into the blue category, then it is going into this vase to be used or donated some day down the road.

The hardest part, as one might expect, is what yarn to use next. 🧶😁

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