Friday, March 11, 2022

End of the Week Clean Up

 I've been missing in action since a couple of weeks ago and thought I would drop in and catch you all up.

It seems I caught a bit of a virus, starting late last Saturday and continuing on (not Covid per 2 at home negative tests and the APN saying it wasn't as well).  I have absolutely no voice and a cough that produces nothing, but I am feeling at least better enough to do some knitting.  

I haven't since last Sunday since I finished a square for my blanket.

I've been staying pretty isolated on our top floor this week and masking when I have to go downstairs, because I really don't want the Tall Guy to catch this.  By the way, on that front, he is building up some stamina, maintaining weight and is doing better each day.  We have one more appointment later this month, with the radiation doc (hopeful that will be the end of seeing him)  and then followups in May and continuing on for the next year, but for now we are grateful for each step along the way.

Before this upper respiratory stuff happened, I finished the first sleeve on my Faded Cardi, and I have to admit, I really am liking it.

Made some progress on my puzzle, working the knitting needles sections when I couldn't find pieces of the yarn to go together.

And another couple of inches of snow came down last night, but temps going to Spring next week, so it will all be gone by Monday.  I know real Spring will be here soon, and we are already making plans here at Chez PJKnits for flowers and some fruit trees.  If that doesn't make one feel better, I am not sure what can.

Don't forget to set your clocks forward Saturday night!  Catch you on the purl side!

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