Monday, September 26, 2011

Great Plans

A week ago I thought that I would whip this baby sweater up for a baby shower we are having at work in a couple of weeks. The intended baby is a boy. The more I knitted on it, the less it looked like a boy sweater.

So I chucked the idea but not the knitting of it. The yarn is so soft and cuddly. But, alas, I don't have enough for the hat that I want to do. I'll have to pick up some more yarn later this week at the shop to do the hat.

When I get the hat finished, I'll put it aside for a future baby present. This cute little button from the project below will be perfect to add to the sweater.

Knit 4 Together has these one ball yarn kits that you can either knit a pullover or cardigan from. The ball yarn kits includes three ducky buttons for whichever pattern that is included that you decide to knit.

Which is great for me. I can knit the pullover and use two of the buttons and save the third for the very first baby sweater I knitted above.

The pattern has you knit back and forth, but because I have a real adversion to sewing up, I am doing what I usually do, cast on in the round and then separate when I get to the armhole.

Today again in Central IL, it's rainy and cold which drives home that I need to be knitting on sweaters and shawls for me along with the twoper scarves. I made the decision this evening that I'll buy something for the baby shower rather than spend try knitting something.

My rationale is that this is for someone I really don't know that well and I'd rather save the knitting for special little ones.

Then there is this great bag of Encore that I have that would be a great afghan to go with this sweater for that special little baby boy.

Best of all of these yarns were purchased at Knit 4 Together, so I have projects that I can actually knit at the shop when I am there, a pet peeve of mine.

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