Saturday, September 17, 2011

I Get The Fit Idea

For many years now, I have been very much a gauge person. Ever since my second camp when the lightbulb when off that no matter what the pattern says, I can make it to fit me my utilizing gauge and some measurements. The measurement piece came after a summer and most of a Fall of traveling to Des Plaines for a Knit to Fit Class with Judy Chan at Mosaic Yarn Studio. I learned so much that year about fit.

Now comes the tough part. What about flatter? As I blogged about yesterday, I think my sweaters fit, but do they really flatter my body? I have come to the conclusion that no, they don't always. And it is time for them to fit and flatter.

I went into the yarn room late last night and pulled some books that deal with fit and perhaps a little flatter. It seems that I have a lot of resources when it comes to this issue.

Cheryl Brunette's Sweater 101 is probably one of the first tools that I bought. My first one was in the form of a folder that had the info and I think I bought it at my very first Meg's Knitting Camp.

Recently, a friend camp indicated that Ysolda's new book had some great info in it. I bought it as an e-book and also got the hard copy which came almost as fast as a sandwich from Jimmy John's. I've yet to really look at it, but soon.

I've had Sally's book for awhile and I have to admit, there is just a few pages that interest me as far as fit and flatter. However, there are a couple of patterns that are on my list for the future.

Right behind Cheryl Brunette's book is Maggie Righetti. I love the first book from her that has some great knitting events and again, I remember getting it when I really became serious about knitting again.

Jean Frost book is a recent acquisition. I probably won't use it for it's intended purpose (getting jackets that fit) but rather for the pattern style's themselves. I love Jean Frost jacket books. They for me are so wearable for my work.

The final tool which is not a book but rather a printoff from Amy Herzog's blog last year. She has 10 installments on knitting for fit and flatter. I whole heartedly recommend you jumping over there and taking a gander. I went through it this morning and came up with some really good hints for making sweaters be flattering for this bottom heavy body.

It was an interesting read, and drove home some things I already knew but was trying to ignore. I made some notes to remember in my next sweater among other thoughts.
I may just get the hang of this fit and flatter thing.

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