Sunday, June 22, 2014

Making Some Progress

Yesterday, I took the day off from all things house.  It felt really good.  I went to a Summer Tea at friend Vicki's house.  Not only does she have a lovely home, but she is an extraordinary hostess/pastry chef/cook.  It was a super fantastic time eating, drinking and knitting.  Just a wonderful afternoon!

This morning, I actually slept in past 6 am, which really helped the attitude.  The Tall Guy got started on my list for the current house today by putting up my blinds in the spare room, installing the towel racks in the main bath and with the help of Baby Boy B, they got our microwave installed and functional.

While he was working on the list, I retreated into the basement to work on last week's pile of boxes that we brought over.  I brought out my Summer accessories aka my flipflop collection, for the basement dining area.

I, also, am getting my upstairs in shape for the coming 4th of July party we always have for my aunties and mother-in-law.  I'm taking advantage of the stairs as I lost the hutch they normally reside on to the basement dining area.

I, also started hanging a few pics here and there.  I have not completely figured out where I want everything will go or even if I want all of the things I had on my walls at the old house in the new house.  It is a work in progress.

Late this afternoon, the skies started clouding up and I kind of wished for a nice thunderstorm.  As it turns out we had several.  It was a nice evening, just sitting in my chair with the lights out and watching the rains come and go.

I worked a bit on my Birds Nest Shawl from the KAL we are doing on the Knitaway Ravelry Group.

 I have to admit I have not made a lot of progress on it this last week as I am working on my Show and Tell project for Knitting Camp.  Yesterday, I sat down and mapped out how many rows I need to knit on it in order to have it blocking by July 5th.  3 a day.  Thats doable.

It feels so good to be making some progress.

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