Thursday, December 15, 2016

Boot Day!!

After four weeks, the cast is gone!

And I'm in a boot!  Ok, it is not what I expected.  It is so weird feeling in the heel and ankle and really hard to walk with out my ever trusty walker in front of me.  I guess I was expecting so much more, but on the bright side, I am not hopping around on one foot these days.  The Tall Guy is the voice of reason and is telling me, it is going to take some time.  Ok, I'll give it some time.

In the meantime, I've been knitting a bit on my Chic Knits Cardigan.  It is time to start the rib for the bottom, but I am afraid that I may run out of yarn.  I only have one left for the sleeves and bands, at least I think.  I'll put it on the Tall Guy's list to look upstairs in the yarn room tonight to see if there may be one more skein up there.  If not, I may need to go on the search for another skein.
No panic yet.

For the last four weeks, I've been confined to those projects I put in my nearby bags.  All WIPS, but now that I was able to take a "walk" to the spare room, I've been able to lift a couple of things  and add them to my couch.

First up is a yarn I've been visualizing making its way into a hospice blanket while I've been sitting around.  This may need to be cast on just because!  (Grin)

Also, I've been dreaming about working on my Fog Shawl while sittin around.  I managed to get it to the couch as well.  So, maybe, I'm getting around better than I thought.

And finally, while I have been hangin out, I got some cool mail from my dear friend from camp, Jane out of Austin.  She knows me so well, and just wanted to send me something to cheer me up.  It did and they do.

Things are looking up around here at Chez PJKnits, hope all is well where you are at and you are keeping warm!

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