Tuesday, December 27, 2016

What's On The Needles This Week?

I'm really trying to be productive and only concentrate on two things this week.

First up, the Hospice Blanket.  I'm on the second skein, which means I'm doing decreases now, so it shouldn't take a whole lot of time to finish it up, right?!  I am really liking this one!

And second up, is the First Point of Libra Shawl by Laura Aylor.  I noticed that January Thaw is just a month away, so if I want to be wearing it, I figured I had better get a moving on it.  If you remember from my blog last week, I was still on the fence about the last two colors in the first strip, as they really seemed in black and white to be way to close to not only each other but to the color they were bumping up against.

I decided to rip it out and go with one of the gradients that I had pulled out originally and stuck it back in.  I think it will go much better now in the new light of the day.

But, before I get too far, I needed to take a tea break with some nice tea from David's Tea that our niece bought for us me in the perfect mug she also bought for us me.

Even though I am more of a coffee drinker, this was kind of nice this afternoon, while knitting and catching up on some video casts.  It is a beautiful sunny day here in Central Illinois, I just cannot recall a nicer December!  A girl could get used to this!

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