Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Tuesday Tips

  I made some mods to my last Summer sweater  sleeves and popped it on last weekend.    I have to watch arms on most sweaters,  between the arm pit and elbow, usually accommodating  for my pelican arms.  But, this time, I discovered after knitting both sleeves, that I may have needed a bit of shaping after the largest part of the arm.  The Tall Guy helped me pin one of the sleeves so I knew where to rip back and how much I needed to shape it down to the rib.  I ripped one sleeve back to the orange marker.

I bought this app sometime ago, KnitTool that comes in handy at times like this when I need something else to do the math for me.  I popped all my figures in and voila, I've got decreasing for my sleeves.

My next issue was how to keep track of the second set of decreases.  The app has me decreasing two different ways and because I want to just look down and not have to count the rows, I pulled out some stitch markers that I have had forever, a gift from my friend Julie.  They are perfect for doing my decreases  and not having to pay a whole lot of attention to what I am doing.

I am sure when the knitting is all done, I will be much happier with the sleeve product and still be able to wear my new sweater with its companion tank before the season is over!

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