Monday, July 30, 2007

Show and Tell, Final Page

But, not the final post about camp. I have alot more to show you. But, this is the end of the show and tell that others brought. Not all by any means, but ones that I got pictures of.

My traveling knitting pal, Char with just one of her grandchildren's outfits that she showed. I saw these as she was knitting them. She is a good grandma. The black background would have been daunting for me.

Linda's (my other traveling knitting pal)Aran. She amazes me on how she works these. That's alot of cables. And when she has to take one out, she just lets it drop and picks it back up. Me? I gotta rip it all the way back.

Lori from California. Another sweater her husband actually picked out for her to knit. She is a good wife, because the consensus at camp was that the rest of us would have told him to choose another sweater. Can you say tattoo?

Judy from Crystal Lake. She was working a design from Joyce's book during camp as well as a pair of socks that she was just flying through. Amazing work, and just a subtle hint of the color her husband did not want.

The show and tell at camp was just phenom. It makes you want to knit more and knit better. Just simply amazing!

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