Tuesday, June 03, 2008

It Was Hormones

Because I work at a medical college, I have my unofficial MD (mother degree) and I have diagnosed the last few days as not a funk, but hormones.

These are pictures of what Baby Boy A left for us to contend with. All of this needs to be taken care of before his father-in-law arrives with the truck to move him next Tuesday! I must have went in there six or seven times and just could not figure out where to start. Thank goodness Baby Boy B is on it and will do some of it. He seems to know what some of it is. Some is going to go in a surprise box and Baby Boy A can figure out what to do with it when he gets it in Memphis!

His room in the future (notice I did not say near future) is going to be the Yarn Room. It is going to take alot of work on my part, but I am looking forward to having all my "stuff" in one place. I'll keep you posted.

Tomorrow, it is back to knitting!

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