Monday, January 16, 2017

A Little Color For This Monday

Since I took this picture this morning, it has gotten foggy on us in Central IL.  I'm not complaining since the freezing rain completely missed us this weekend and by the end of the week, it is going to be in the 50's.  Did someone forget to tell mother nature this is January?

Since it has been so dreary (temperament and weather speaking) lately, I thought it may be time to bring a little color into my life.  So, I cast on the Find Your Fade shawl that seems to be all the rave on Ravelry, Blogs, Groups and Instagram.

It took me a few trips up the stairs (a fete in itself) but I finally narrowed it down to these color ways in this order.

I was bound and determined to use stash yarn and these are all out of the stash.  When finished, I am hoping for the effect of this order.  The pink will be the start and the black will be the end, and when looped around my neck.

While deciding on if the color ways would all go together, some dear knitting friends came to visit and bought this lovely box with a cozy comfy blanket in it.  The box sat next to my chair and for a while it was housing my Find Your Fade yarns and pattern.

Until this morning, when I decided it is the perfect box for springy, colorful yarns that I could sit and look at when planning some future projects and also to house the leftovers of the Finding the Fade Shawl as I finish each color way.  Don't these just remind you of Paris in the Springtime?

There are more color ways in the yarn room that are going to make their way into my box eventually, but in the mean time, even though it is dreary and foggy outside today, I've got some gorgeous colors and yarns that are making me happy.  I hope you do too!!

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