Sunday, January 08, 2017

Sunday Sunday Sunday!

Wow, has it been chilly in Central IL late this week.  But, as my dear friend Renate told me, I'm not missing much outside right now!

Foot Progress Report - I'm still in my boot, two of the five toes are being taped for swelling and my big toe is continue to fuse as of last week's doctor appointment.  I still cannot put it down in the shower, so I am showering on a chair, but was able to wash my hair in the shower with the help of the Tall Guy.  He's been a sport about this whole thing, but I can tell he is ending his patience with this whole invalid thing.  I am at 7 1/2 weeks post operation right now, but all is progressing well!  If I had to say one thing about the whole process is that I really did not realize what 10 - 12 weeks of sitting around in chair was going to be like.  I am so ready to get moving and get out, even if to smell the cold air.  But, I am not going to push it.  If you are still with me, thank you all who have been so supportive, by all means, and for putting up with the blather of this whole thing,  it truly has meant a lot to me!

And now for knitting, what is on the needles?  Well, as we all know, there are a lot of WIPS on the needles and I have one finished object so far for Friday, but for right now, I have been so dang monogamous, that it surprises me!!

I am working steadily on my First Point of Libra Shawl from Laura Aylor.  I was intently knitting on it as Laura is the guest instructor at January Thaw put on my Sun Valley Fibers later this month.  The yarn is also the Sun Valley Fibers that was originally going to be Breathing Space ( I blogged about it before)!  I am totally loving this shawl and by the time the Golden Globes start tonight, I am hoping to be on the last gray section, and maybe have this done for a Finally Finished Friday object.

What is needle adjacent?  I kind of sort of promised myself that when I finished the First Point of Libra Shawl that I could cast on something new.  My friend Becky bought me some lovely yarn and a pattern for my birthday, but we both decided that the yarn she bought for me was probably not a dark enough pow for the Back to School Shawl.  I ordered some new yarn for it from Leading Men Fiber Arts and asked them for their recommendation for the dark color to go with it.  They did not disappoint!

Totally not my colors now are they.  I thought I might change it up a bit for the first new project of the new year and surprise you all.  I am hoping to have this all knit so I can wear to the Pipeline Retreat mid next month.

What's on tap for this week?  I promise to tell you about a super cool project and my process for choosing colors and I'll blog about what other kinds of things I have been doing while being confined to the house, book I read, books I am reading, You Tube videos and podcasts I've been watching and other things that have been keeping me sane.

Until then, have a great Sunday!!

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