Monday, March 13, 2006

Is Winter Back?

The weatherman told me it was going to be colder tonight when I came out of work then when I went in. Did I believe him? Somewhat, but I guess I did not figure that by the time I got in for the night, that the wind would be howling like a November day!

Just last weekend, I was giving thought to abandoning the Sisik sweater until next fall, and hauling out a Spring WIP. But, tonight, after ripping it way back, (because I just did not like where the cables were hitting), I have decided to press on with it. I've made the committment that I would finish it and I am going to do it!

Even though, Meg's cardigan is callin me. Even though, one of the new Noni bags is almost to the point of decreases. Even though, Spring is still callin me.

I am so fickle! As said by Brenda Dayne recently, I just cannot commit to JUST ONE PROJECT...well, I did for 16 days, but I am thinking that was a fluke.

I'm continuing to knit on it at the moment, while I wait for my Knitter's, while I wait for the yarn to finish the brown booga bag, while I wait for warm weather to come back!

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