Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Oh The Places You Will Go

It's no secret that I read blogs. And that they get me into trouble! I have come to the conclusion that blogs and email lists are what get me into all the WIPS. I'm happy to knit on what I have on my list and then bam. I read an email and it sends me to the garbage downstairs where, I pull out a bag of leftover sock yarn that I had resigned myself to never knitting. Good thing I wrapped it ever so carefully in a bag (quick retrieval with no lint from the dryer).

You see, I am on a email list that is knitting their way through EZ's Almanac. I started in July with the Pi Shawl ( I actually have one on the needles), made a tree ornament from August (didn't sew it up) and ever since just been lurking on the email list. Now, someone starts up a thought of the November project and of course, I pull out the book and think about it. Ah ha! The leftover sock yarn comes out. I'm ready to cast on! See another, WIP in the making.

Then, I also am on a email list of Knit Campers. And the discussion starts on the Unspun Icelandic. Ah ha! I have a couple of wheels of it. Wouldn't the coat Meg work wonderfully up in it? See what I mean!

So, now I think I have come up with the cause, what is the cure?


Anonymous said...

There is no cure and I don't think you really want one.

Nancy said...

Guess we could stop reading the lists and blogs... naw, that's no fun!