Friday, March 16, 2012

Smile, The Sun Is Shining

And it is warm.  I mean really warm for March.  I'm not complaining.  It gave me a chance to get home today and take some pictures outside while the sun was good for shooting pictures.  I'm using my new remote I bought at Christmas and have not had a chance to really use yet. 

I had a tank top on today and thought it would be a good time to get some pictures of Bloomsbury.  Sure, I plan on wearing it with a turtleneck in the winter, but there was no way a turtleneck was going on today.

 I cannot believe how long the hair is getting here.  What I really was going for here, was to zone in on the shaping of the waist.  Since the "hips" aka butt, is considerably larger than waist, I almost always try to do some sort of shaping at the waist. 

One of my most fave designers who does this well is Bonne Marie Burns.  I knitted one of her tanks last summer and really was pleased with the shaping.

What I have done here is to just change the needle sizes at the waist and then back out for the bust.  This is how Cheryl Oberle (of which I can say is my fave designer and to name drop, she is a friend), but anyway Cheryl uses this a lot in her patterns to achieve different sizes.  It works for me, because I didn't have to monkey with the patterning on this one.  Just pulled out some smaller needles and voila - shaping!
The yarn for Bloomsbury is Cascade Dolce and uber soft yarn with alpaca in it.

Love this jacket, but alas it is going to have to wait to be worn til next year. 

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