Sunday, August 01, 2010

It's Sunday, the First of August

And Sundays are for starting over and what better way than to start a new month and a new frame of mind. If I were a teacher or a student, I would realize that August means school is about to start in just a few weeks. But as a knitter, I realize that August means there is just a few short months to go and it will be my favorite time of the year....sweater wearing season.

I love Fall and early Winter, because not only can I start wearing my sweaters that I have knitted but for work the jackets can finally come out and I can cover up some of those pounds! But, with any luck, come next Spring I will be at my goal weight and can feel comfortable wearing shorts and capris again!

But before that time, I gotta do the work. So, tomorrow, it is back to Weight Watchers faithfully no matter what the scale or the jeans say. And for knitting -- time to start thinking about new fall knitting. Which means I have to finish the current tank and give some serious thought to Fall knitting....

On a closing note, today would have been my Dad's 79th birthday. He has been gone 26 years. Which means that he was the same age I am going to be when he passed away. That is always in mind as I think about eating more healthier and getting more exercise.

Where did that time go? He would have been so proud of his twin grandsons and I am sorry for them that they missed out on a great man.

Sundays and a new month for reflection and action!

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