Thursday, October 06, 2011

It's A Three Day Weekend!

I really need a day (tomorrow) to sleep in as long as I want (read that as probably will wake up at the usual 4 am) and knit until I absolutely have to get dressed!  Coffee, knitting and chai tea are on my agenda tomorrow.  And I promised myself, I would not look at work email until I go back to work on Monday.

I was supposed to be at a wedding tomorrow afternoon and evening, but my cousin is in town and I am getting together with her and the other cousins tomorrow night. 

Baby Boy A and the granddog will be in town tomorrow for birthday party/wiener roast on Saturday.  We are celebrating birthdays for Sister-in-law, neice, great niece and great nephew.  I got to go down the pink aisle at Wal-mart tonight and buy Barbies.  The great neice is finally 3 which is the minimum age for shopping for Barbies.

Best of all, it's suppose to be sunny and nice this weekend!  I can deal with that.  All too soon, it will be Monday!

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