Thursday, August 02, 2012

Much Better

Feeling much better today with the help of antibiotics and lots of water and cranberry juice (which have other side effects, but I'll deal with that).

And now back to the regularly scheduled Olympic Knitting.
 I started my second ball of Wistful on Sunday, I think.  I have one other and I am confident that I will have enough of it to complete my Summer Solstice Cardigan.

Last night, I finally started on the body.  This pattern has some unusual construction, but it is such fun to watch it evolve.  You start with the back yoke ( which I am not sure if you can tell, but it is knit vertically.)  Then you add a sleeve and then the other sleeve.

I had a moment last night where I knitted way long on the second sleeve and had to rip back...blame it on the Olympics.

Last night, I picked up the stitches for the back and am anxious to knit a bit on it and see what happens.

We are off to babysit Mona Lisa this weekend as her mom is having surgery (something I hear happens a bit these days).  I am taking my knitting of course, but normally the Tall Guy makes me drive so I am not real sure if I can whine a bit and have him drive over or not.

Will keep you posted!  Thanks for listening.

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