Friday, January 31, 2014

Not Another Snow Picture!

Fraid so.  It is beautiful coming down, but it sorely puts a crimp in my plans for tomorrow.

I had great plans to go to the shop tomorrow, but the weather people have me a bit worried about that.  There is suppose to be some freezing rain tonight and then more snow through tomorrow night.  The last time they scared me off, we ended up with nearly nothing and it didn't start until much later in the day.

But, if I have to stay home, I could start putting together Miss Mona Lisa's sweater which I blocked earlier this week.

It has been awhile since I actually have sewn a sweater together.  I usually opt for topdown sweaters or bottom up with minimal of finishing.  But, this could be the perfect time to get back into the swing seaming again.  I know there are several designers out there that I love that really advocate it.

I have my Deborah Newton book that I can reference and I know there is a Craftsy Class that I have purchased that could put me in the frame of mind to want to sew this thing together.

I guess the point is that it is not that I can't sew sweaters together, I just don't love it.  I way more enjoy the knitting then I do the finishing.

And while on the subject of love, I am loving my Tangerine Rose, but seriously this is a lot of knitting! I am now at the half way point in my welts.  1/2 WAY!

I am anxious for this one to be done or at least the knitting.  It, too, requires some sewing.  The Olympics are a week away which means Tangerine Rose will need to take a bit of break while I knit on my Ravellinics project from Briar Rose Fibers.

I am not 100% sure what the project will be yet, but it may involve some new yarn I got in the mail yesterday from Chris.

And if you are wondering what the pattern is going to be?  Check out those darn
Rainey Sisters

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