Monday, July 22, 2013

I've Stopped Counting

I probably have enough WIPS to finish one for every week for the next year, well at least the rest of this year.  But, I am not beating myself up about it, nor am I going to let anyone else.  After all, I know for a fact that I am not the only one. And it gives me a lot of joy to start knitting on something new.
And knitting needs to be fun.

While cataloging my WIPS this past few days and coming home from camp, I pulled out my Pi Shawl from Knitter's Almanac and I have been having a lot of fun with it.  It is quite mindless knitting right now and what I want to be knitting on at the moment.

When I first pulled it out and blogged about it, I did not realize that I had started a second color on it.  I remember when I first cast on many years ago, that I was trying to use down some cakes leftover from my Pelerine that I had knitted.

When I really opened the Pi Shawl up I realized that I had already switched to one of the colors that I had left over from the Pelerine.  I am really anxious to get this knit into it so I can switch to the brown for the very end lace part of it.

Who would have figured digging a project out from many years past could be so much fun.  I am hoping this is a trend and not a fad so that soon, I'll have more WIPS finished by the end of the year, that is the calendar year and not the fiscal year.

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