Monday, July 08, 2013

Blocking Party

The plan was to block inside today.  But we got some much needed rain in Central Illinois today, and so I moved it inside to the dining room table.

This is my Folk School Shawl by Cheryl Oberle after it had a good soak AND ten minutes in the dryer under delicate heat.  You see, from top to point the measurement was supposed to be about 30", mine about 46".  It is still a bit long, but this is going to be the kind of shawl that you can just wrap up in or wear in the frigid winter on the outside of my coat and wrap the long ties around front under the neck.

This just drives home the fact that when you do a gauge swatch, you should always block it too.  In this case, I have an excuse, I really did cast this on back in the day when I had not learned this valuable lesson.  All of my swatches, well almost all of them I now block it before diving into the casting on.  Small shawlettes excluded.

One of the swatches I was particularly glad that I did it on was this Ty-Dy Summer Cardigan.  I saw from the washed swatch just what was going to happen after this was blocked and could account for it as I knitted.  I pleased as punch that I did, because I have a sweater that fits now.

I have one more blocking to do tomorrow and possible a second on Wednesday if I finish a little shawlette from Interweave Knits.  I guess you could say I am in blocking mode, even though it is not my most fave thing to do, but a necessary one.

Forecast for tomorrow is more rain so I think it will probably be done on the dining room table again.

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