Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Sixth Day of Christmas Vacation

I started putting away most of my Christmas stuff today before I even sat down to knit or shower.  The only thing left up is my tree.  I'll take it down after this weekend when we finish celebrating Christmas with Baby Boy A and his wife.

Between now and February ish, I put some of my snowman collection up so it still looks wintry around here.

Then, while I was in the basement, I thought it was time to wash the sheets and vacuum our bedroom, which evolved into cleaning part of the closet out of some old crap and scrubbing under some things that have just been accumulating.  The Tall Guy wasn't real happy to have to haul stuff to the garbage, but he did.

Tonight, we spent the evening with in-laws celebrating my nephew's 35th birthday.  He and my mom shared a birthday, she would have been 81 today if I am correct. 

On my timeline for the final Christmas sweater, I need to finish the body, so that is how I will finish out this 6th day of Christmas vacation...funny, I just had to ask Baby Boy B what day today was?   I knew the date but not the day of the week, I find that quite interesting.

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